Il semblerait que, après des millénaires, se hissent encore les chants insidieux des sirènes: les Athéniens Cosmic Shadows, avec leur premier album éponyme, tissent un fil d’Ariane inextricable. Des guitares intersidérales et kaléidoscopiques appellent au rêve éveillé et se heurtent au fuzz, à une basse mordante, à des voix qui sont à la fois stoïques, caustiques et plaintives.
Simultanément, comme si nous étions plongés dans une diplopie escherienne, le voyage est juteux, lysergique, perilleux. Un jeu de variations qui en vaut bien la chandelle.

It would seem that, after millennia, the insidious songs of sirens are still being raised: Athenians Cosmic Shadows, with their eponymous debut album, weave an inextricable Ariadne’s thread. Intersidereal, kaleidoscopic guitars beckon us into daydreams, but collide with fuzz, biting bass and vocals that are at once stoic, caustic and plaintive.
At the same time, as if plunged into an Escherian diplopia, the journey is juicy, lysergic and perilous. A game of variations well worth the candle.

paru le 17 novembre 2023

This is the 1st chapter of Cosmic Shadows

All songs written by: Cosmic Shadows
(Bo Diddley Was The 7th Son is a cover from The Ufo Club)

Recording,mixing and mastering at Electric Highway Studio by John Vulgaris.

Stathis Psychis: Drums, percussions
Pavlos Patsonis: Lead guitar, backing vocals, percussions
Vasilis Alexopoulos: Bass, backing vocals, piano
Jon Mitropoulos: Rhythm guitar,vocals,lyrics

Artwork design by: Bill Delis

tous droits réservés




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